Coronavirus delayed DEEP PURPLE's release of their latest album "Whoosh'. Having listened to the first singles I was a bit surprised and felt betrayed. The sound was too experimental and even not hard rock. But having given the album more than a few spins, now, I must admit, they did it again. They came with an album so versatile that it blows your mind considering their combined physical,not to mention musical age. The opener 'Throw my bones' is a modern DP hard rock song but as the album continues you see the album real captains. The Don Airey keyboards are far away from the classical Lord sound and along with the always unpredictable Morse, the structure songs equally modern and classic such as "Drop the weapon',"What the what" or even far more to the left side of hard rock like "Nothing at all" and 'Dancing in my sleep ". If "House of the blue light' is your favorite DP album, you'll find enough p leasers here and the redemption you were seeking for the decades. But if you re a hardcore fan w ho follow them for years you find some new classics in the forms of .
"Whoosh'' may have the Gillan footprint all around composition wise and some really "strange" songs like "We're all same in the dark" and "The power of the moon" with its PINK FLOYD vibe but it is definitely a good DP album, that you'll listen for several times and still can't get over it and have a decision on how good it is. Modern, full of great work in every section with a clear blue sky production, that helps the members stand out like in the live environment (Bob Ezrin, did it again) it is an album refreshing, if you listen to albums of musicians of their class. Once again DP, did it. Sorry to miss them this summer, let's hope coronavirus will allow their tour with BOC in 2021.
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