HAREM SCAREM- "Change the world"

HAREM SCAREM- "Change the world"

Canadian masters of AOR and melodic rock return with a brand new album, their number 15. In these gloomy days of the pandemic, songs like "Change the world' are here to remind us ,the healing power of the music, what an uplifting tune can do. This is a classic HAREM SCAREM album, full of melodies, catchy as CoronaVirus in a crowded room. For less than an hour i was stuck, shaking my head, stomping my foot, singing along. If you were not in the glory days of the guys, imagine ECLIPSE with a more polished sound and songs that have the best of bands like TOTΟ, BOSTON, FOREIGNER all blended through the creative filter of HM. A monster album that is catchy and unforgettable as most of their work is. In a world who suffers,this album need to be on constant airplay.

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