Cody Jinks "The wanting"

Cody Jinks "The wanting"

In the true outlaw country tradition. Cody blends rock and country along with heartbreaking lyrics, loud guitars and even louder and catchier melodies.We maybe in the South of Europe, but artists like Cody Jinks, talk to our hearts and deeper feelings in the same way if we were sitting in front of a beer bottle, or whiskey somewhere in the midwest or South of U.S.A. Songs like 'never rain in California' and ... are massive sentimental missiles aiming straight to the heart of every lonesome mans and woman, around the world, as long as you live a life and don't run behind the latest i phone. Strong messages, stronger lyrics and some great music to wrap them, end in a definite great album, to listen alone or with friends like Mr Jack Daniels and Jim Beam as George Thorogood used to sing. Proud to be a listener Mr Jinks.


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