Sons of Apollo- "MMXX"

Sons of Apollo-  "MMXX"

The second full length studio work of the newest prog mega group justifies the title 100%. Bombastic, melodic, commercial,yet complex, time puzzling, breath taking, encapsulates the FM approach of the WINERY DOGS with the time changing melodic complexity of DT, the melodic versatility of Jeff Scott Soto and produces ,progressive heavy rock for the new decade. Music catchy yet technical, progressive in every senses of the word, with musicianship that outshines most of the genre and jazz musicians too. The album is a joyride for the listener but i have to mention that the tour de force is the closing track, a 15 min monument where Billy Sheehan show s to everyone who is the ruler of the game, a real honoring music piece for this underrated bass player. As for JSS he seems more comfortable with the songs, more custom to the bands vision and really a functional part who contributes with his melodic lines. Overall an album set for the top 5 of 2020.


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