Song of the week/the month/of the year DAYLIGHT MISERY - CANCERWORM (feat. Aaron Stainthorpe, Sakis Tolis & Gus G.)

 Song of the week/the month/of the year

DAYLIGHT MISERY - CANCERWORM (feat. Aaron Stainthorpe, Sakis Tolis & Gus G.) -


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DAYLIGHT MISERY - CANCERWORM (feat. Aaron Stainthorpe, Sakis Tolis & Gus G.) - Official Lyric Video


Για δωρεές από την Ελλάδα, μπαίνετε στο παρακάτω link και επιλέγετε λογαριασμό τραπέζης ή PayPal: 

!!! ΣΗΜΑΝΤΙΚΟ: ΤΑ ΧΡΗΜΑΤΑ ΜΕΤΑΦΕΡΟΝΤΑΙ ΑΠΕΥΘΕΙΑΣ ΣΤΟΝ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟ ΦΛΟΓΑ. ΓΙΑ ΝΑ ΚΑΤΑΦΕΡΟΥΜΕ ΝΑ ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΟΥΜΕ ΤΟ ΤΕΛΙΚΟ ΠΟΣΟ ΠΟΥ ΣΥΓΚΕΝΤΡΩΘΗΚΕ, ΘΑ ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΤΟΣΟ ΓΙΑ ΤΙΣ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΙΚΕΣ ΔΩΡΕΕΣ ΟΣΟ ΚΑΙ ΓΙΑ ΤΙΣ ΔΩΡΕΕΣ ΜΕΣΩ PAYPAL ΝΑ ΑΝΑΦΕΡΕΤΑΙ ΩΣ ΑΙΤΙΟΛΟΓΙΑ ΤΟ ΔΙΑΚΡΙΤΙΚΟ “DAYLIGHT MISERY” !!! Στη συνέχεια, μόλις πραγματοποιήσετε τη δωρεά σας, θα πρέπει ΑΠΑΡΑΙΤΗΤΑ να συμπληρώσετε τα στοιχεία σας στο παρακάτω link: αλλά και την αιτιολογία “DAYLIGHT MISERY” (στο πεδίο «παρατηρήσεις»). Οι δωρεές θα διαρκέσουν μέχρι τις 31 Ιανουαρίου 2022 και το συνολικό ποσό θα ανακοινωθεί αρχές Φεβρουαρίου. Σας ευχαριστούμε για τη συμμετοχή σας! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DONATIONS TO FLOGA PARENTS ASSOCIATION OF CHILDREN WITH CANCER ( IN MEMORY OF DIMITRIS THEODOROPOULOS. 

For donations outside of Greece, please use the PayPal account here: !!! IMPORTANT: THE MONEY IS TRANSFERRED DIRECTLY TO “FLOGA PARENTS ASSOCIATION OF CHILDREN WITH CANCER”. IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO ANNOUNCE THE FINAL AMOUNT COLLECTED, YOU HAVE TO MENTION “DAYLIGHT MISERY” IN THE SUBJECT/REASON !!! If you wish to receive a receipt for your donation, please fill in the following form (you need to translate it in English first): The donations will last until January 31, 2022 and the total amount will be announced in early February. Thank you for your participation! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE READ: Dimitris Theodoropoulos, founder and guitar player of the band Rex Mundi, was a true gentleman, a gifted musician, one of the kindest human beings, a genuine rocker, and most of all a devoted husband and a great father. Also, unfortunately, for many years he was a patient, he was suffering from Ulcerative colitis (from the age of 18), an inflammatory disease of the large bowel. All such patients instead of the condition of their large intestine (total endoscopic and clinical remission or light symptoms) after 8 - 10 years of the disease have increasing possibility of developing colon cancer in comparison with the rest population. Patients with Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s colitis involving more than one-third of the colon are at increased risk for colorectal cancer and should undergo regular surveillance colonoscopies as early identification of dysplasia is critical to prevent colorectal cancer. Our friend for the first time in his life and for several reasons, he didn’t have an endoscopy for almost 2 - 2,5 years and when he did it, he was so unlucky, he had already a metastatic colon cancer. He was a great fighter but unfortunately, he was diagnosed in an advanced stage of the disease. The vast majority of people nowadays that are diagnosed with malignant diseases in early or less advanced stages will be cured with the multimodality treatments but still many of those who are diagnosed in metastatic or advanced stages will not. So PLEASE first of all don’t be afraid of the malignant diseases because we can face them in a great percentage but the most significant of all is: DON’T FORGET YOUR SCREENING, IT SAVES LIVES. EMMANOUEL A. TSIGKOS CONSULTANT SURGICAL ONCOLOGIST ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SONG CREDITS: Music by Nicos B. 

Lyrics by Vassilis Mazaris 

Vassilis Mazaris - Vocals 

Nicos B. - Guitars

 Aggelos Mal - Bass 

Bill Papanikolakis - Drums (session) 

 Guest Vocals: Aaron Stainthorpe (MY DYING BRIDE) & Sakis Tolis (ROTTING CHRIST) Guest Solo: Gus G. (FIREWIND, SOLO, ex-OZZY OSBOURNE) 

Double bass quartet performed by Charis Pazaroulas 

Keyboards: Kostas Panagiotou (PANTHEIST) Piano: Celine Toli (Piano melody composed by Kostas Panagiotou - Performed by Celine Toli). 

Recorded, mixed and mastered by George Bokos at Grindhouse Studios Athens. Video by John Kaimakamis and theNightwatchers Artwork by Jon Toussas - Graphic No Jutsu. Sakis Tolis & Sakis Tolis/Vassilis Mazaris photos: Antony Kaz. Daylight Misery are: Vassilis Mazaris - Vocals Stamos Kordas - Guitars Vasilis Batilas - Guitars Aggelos Mal - Bass Yiannis Filippaios - Drums Nicos B. - Guitars (The sixth member of DM) Band Contact:

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