Low tune , country songs 'bout heartaches, loneliness and the old ways in an album that maybe is low at volume but is more than a blaster at sentimental volume. In the finest country, americana, tradition Wade Parks drive around the American and Tex Mex traditions offering some small , but valuable masterpieces like "Me Dystruction'. Lay back, open a bottle of wine, turn low the lights and enjoy a breathtaking album, in all the senses, made from humans who don't base their lives and future on pro tools.An album that talks first and almost to emotions.
A Greek rock opera, a Greek prog masterpiece , words, that you can easily and too often read and never believe. SL Theory have searched deep in the musical influences and return to the surface with a really good album , where they honed their influences with their own individual talents. QUEEN, THE WHO, STYX, QUEENSRYCHE, KANSAS and everything in between are the elements they use to create their own musical vision. Pompous, bombastic, melodic, complex in places , but overall a modern prog album that clearly states "we love the 70s grandiose sound, the metallic sound of the 80s and we re musician's with our own ideas." Listen ot it and you will be rewarded. Progressive metal in the more wide meaning of the term gain another disciple.
Aldrich, Castronovo and Blades return at the scene of the crime. This time they re more on the safe side with an album that is high tech AOR for the masses. The pros of their new work, excellent musical skills and guitar work, great performances, classy stuff. The cons, polished to the bone, lacks the flame that makes the real stand out albums. Besides a couple of songs like "Rise" and "Higher" the rest is exactly what we been waiting for. A mix of JOURNEY and DAMN YANKEES best moments with great guitar work and flawless vocals. What is missing is the flame, the inspiration that fuels a song to launch in to the universe of the classic hits. The album sounds more like a product that musicians of their status could come up easily in a weekend. Enjoyable and equally easy forgettable , not too mention too much overproduced.
A fine return to form, performing self composed material for the Finnish Classical trained metal heads. The album is a real joy for the ears. In my opinion songs like "Ashes of the modern world", "En route to Mayhem" and "Catharsis" could be the ideal soundtrack for series like Chernobyl, while "Rise" can resurrect the dead, with its animal power.. A dark, powerful,instrumental in its entity album with a strong emotional impact as cellos are replacing the lamenting metal guitars in an ego trip to modern worlds hell. Bombastic in places, really introvert in to the others, this is a prime piece of Cello driven metal music for the masses. You don’t have to have classical music education to enjoy their music.
The power of these musicians is the immensity of their music. An album I’ve enjoyed the last months to accompany me in good and not so good times. They may not reinvent the steel and astonishing us as they did the first times, but they prove them selves as musicians with maturity, talent and longevity.
Το βιβλίο το επέλεξα για 2 λόγους, την «παλιά» μηχανή που είχε στο εξώφυλλο και ότι προλόγιζε ο Χ.Κάσδαγλης.
Ως γνωστόν όσοι είναι φίλοι της ροκ μυθολογίας , ουδόλως αγαπάνε τα γιαπωνέζικα τεχνουργήματα των YAMAHA.HONDA.SUZUKI κτλπ αντίθετα έλκονται από βαριά μεταλλικά τέρατα της κατηγορίας Νorton.Τriumph,BSA,BMW,Harley, για την τελευταία με επιφύλαξη, λόγω της Κολωνακιώτης εξέλιξης της.
Οι 2 συγγραφείς, συγκέντρωσαν πλήθος μαρτυριών από μηχανόβιους, όλων των κοινωνικών τάξεων κ επαγγελμάτων. Κοινός παρονομαστής, η αγάπη για το δίκυκλο, από παπάκι μέχρι 1000αρα μηχανή και η νοοτροπία μιας άλλης εποχής. Με ελάχιστες αναφορές στην ροκ μυθολογία ,ίσως γιατί ροκ κ μηχανή στην Ελλάδα δεν έγιναν ποτέ ένα. Απόδειξη και η σημερινή κατάσταση, ποιοί έχουν τις Harley. Όμως το πνεύμα του δικυκλισμού, της ανεξαρτησίας, του ροκ τρόπου ζωής, εκδρομές, βόλτες, κόντρες ,μεταξύ τους αλλά και με την αστυνομία..όλα είναι εδώ, πραγματικά, γλαφυρά, ζωντανά. Δεν μιλάμε για έναν ξένοιαστο καβαλάρη, αλλά για μηχανές από την Ηλιούπολη, το Μπραχάμι, τα Λιόσια. Μηχανόβιους που κλέβουν, για να ζήσουν, πονάνε τη μηχανή τους, μαζεύουν δραχμή, δραχμή τα χρήματα να την αλλάξουν. Ανθρώπους που η ζωή τους καθορίζεται από την επιταγή της δίκυκλης θεάς, ασχέτως κυβισμού και κατάστασης. Ίσως οι φράσεις.. «οι μηχανές σήμερα κοντράρονται στις καφετέριες… τότε στο δρόμο», μεταφέρει μια μεγάλη αλήθεια…. Μια αλλαγή εποχής
Όμως οι μηχανές… ποτέ δεν θα αλλάξουν. Θα αλλάξουν οι χρήστες τους και μαζί η νοοτροπία. Σήμερα τα χτυπημένα νούμερα και τα συνεργεία, που βασίζονταν στην εμπειρία, αλλάζουν, μαζί με όλη την Ελληνική κοινωνία. Ακριβώς όπως οι Hard rockers των 80ς-90ς έγιναν τα «παιδάκια» που αντιδρούν στο κατεστημένο με SLIPKNOT.METALLICA.MASTODON, έχασαν τον παλμό, κράτησαν το μέσο.
Ένα πολύ ροκ βιβλίο, από 2 ανθρώπους, που έψαξαν διύλισαν, συγκέντρωσαν και δημιούργησαν ένα απολαυστικό ανάγνωσμα. Μακάρι να έχουν την διάθεση να ασχοληθούν και με κάτι κοντινότερο στα δικά μας γούστα… Μέχρι τότε, ανάψτε τσιγάρο, βάλτε στο στερεοφωνικό, το best of των STEPPENWOLF ή το νέο WOLFMOTHER ή ακόμη καλύτερα CIRCUS OF POWER k «Iron Horse” από MOTORHEAD κ ταξιδέψτε…. μακριά…. άψογο βιβλίο, για εποχές κ ανθρώπους που είναι πια μνήμες…
The ex Mike Oldfiled muse returns with a new album that is simply breathtaking. Six months in a hut ,somewhere in the Scottish highlands, really worked for her and her inspiration.High caliber AOR, pop rock with the melodies been there breathtaking and supported by her great voice. A simply astonishing album that is based on great songwriting and beautiful vocal performances. Not overwritten or overproduced, 'Starfields" is an album for the listener to make long drives and let the landscapes accompany him in a mental journey to his personal quest. Enjoy it with speakerphones and a glass of your favorite drink, watching the sea, of driving on the highway, the result is always the same, pure joy.
The Southern heroes, or the wild bunch of Jim Dandy are back with a new album and what a surprise, they deliver good Southern rock in spades. BOA are something a lot of the new Southern fans don’t really know. The whiskey soaked voice of Jim Dandy along with the more straight rock orientation of his music, and the addition of the female vocalist and the origins who goes back to the 60s, makes the whole package special. In his new album he pays tribute to the lost heroes of rock music in ‘‘Channeling spirits’’ and writes Southern Gothic love stories as in the classic BOA ’’The devils daughter’’ with the help of Sammy B. Seauphine making it special. In other songs BOA are just mean and nasty like να
’’Arkansas medicine man’’, or sensitive, as the mountain boys know at the emotionally charged hymn to the redhaired “Ruby’s heartbreaker‘‘ and the passionate and heartbroken ‘‘You told me you love me‘‘ .
A powerful Southern heavy rock album from a band old as almost rock n roll itself and still alive and well to deliver the goods to the newest generations.